Nymphius Injectors – economical, durable, premium quality.
Low air consumption – undisturbed material flow – short filling time
Performance and energy consumption measurement conducted on certified injector testing facility of Teubert Maschinenbau GmbH (being the single reliable data source in the entire industry) proves the superior efficiency of our injectors.
…through superior manufacturing quality, using only the most high-grade components and seals, guaranteeing maximum resistance against wear and chemical influence
Nymphius injectors: being part of the foam processing industry from its very beginning
Since more than 60 years we are providing innovative and premium-quality products as well as excellent customer service.
Please benefit from our unique and long-term experience and expertise!
Extensive range of different models, options, and customized solutions such as
Customer specific solutions – we realize everything!
Please contact us for a solution based upon your individual needs.
Heinrich Nymphius GmbH
Neumarkter Str. 50
81673 Munich / Germany
+49 89 43 40 53
© 2025 Heinrich Nymphius GmbH